Insecurities. We all have them- even gorgeous studs like Eluan who is not sure he’s looking good enough today to even face the world. It requires extra work on Eluan’s part to convince him that he is, indeed, worthy. Elio build’s Eluan’s self-esteem, first with attentive dick sucking, followed by lavish rimming and concluding with a self-actualizing fuck leaving Eluan ready to face the world!
eluan jeunet elio chalamet
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In return for staying in the company apartment we sometimes ask the boys to do a few chores. Most of the time it is not even worth the efoort of asking as they are too easily distracted and whatever they do needs to be redone afterwards. Such is the case here with Elio and Kirk. After a very token sweep og the terrace they decide that they need to go inside to relax and recover, although in this case 'relax and recover' really means 'fuck like rabbits for the next 15 minutes'. Elio is quite an insatiable bottom when he wants to be, so he gives Kirk quite the treat today and is certainly better for us than if they would have completed their assigned cleaning tasks!
Cast: elio chalamet
kirk gauguin more BEL AMI updates

Life is full of highs and lows for all of us- including our boys. Today Kirk is at a low as he just failed his volley-ball exam. Elio, being a good friend, is determined to raise his spirits- and his penis. So, he lends his hand, his mouth and his ass to make his buddy feel better. He decides to give him an “exam” in a different, simpler “game” than the ridiculously complicated volleyball. Here, “scoring” involves giving and receiving as much pleasure as possible and the only “spiking” will be Kirk’s dick into Elio’s perfect ass. While Kirk is a failure at the sport of volleyball, he’s a genius at the sport of fucking. We’re sure Elio- and you- will give him an A++.
kirk gauguin elio chalamet
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Sleeping arrangements always cause a bit of friction with the boys. X wants to sleep with Y, but Y wants to sleep with Z. Luckily with our team, no matter how it ends up, everyone is a winner. Today poor Elio finds that Bastian has stolen his bed and won't give it up for anything. Luckily Kieran comes in on his white horse to save the day and offers Elio a spot in his own apartment. If Kieran's intentions were pure to begin with, waking up beside Elio has given him some very naughty thoughts that he feels compelled to act on, and very soon both guys are all hot, sweaty and disheveled from some pretty torrid lovemaking.
kieran benning elio chalamet
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This documentary was filmed just a couple of weeks ago. So, you will get a peek at one of our new Freshmen as well as a few of your favorites. Social Media plays a big part in the lives of many porn stars and they take it very seriously. Thus. a whole day is needed for them to capture the perfect Instagram moments. The unfamiliar face you’ll be lusting after is Ethan Opry.
jerome exupery derek caravaggio paul cassidy more FRESHMEN updates