Jason Schmidt (Trevor Brooks) is a lonely guy who writes erotic stories. As he writes his stories, they come to life in his head, and on our screens. This is his meeting with Corey Skinner (Zak Bishop). As Jason edits his work, it changes the sexual encounter, making it the perfect story.
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Justin O'Neal's family is sick of his spoiled and entitled behavior. They send Justin (Jack Bailey) to a remediation ranch to curb his destructive ways. At the ranch, Justin learns how to be a cowboy and a gentleman from ranch hand Sam Gillis (Cliff Jensen). Sam is sure he's gotten through to Justin, but old (bad) habits can't be kicked so easily.
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An aggravated husband (Brock Johnsyn) is lured through yet another weekend of hopeless house hunting by his wife (Eliza Iberra). She swears this house might be the one. After all, the realtor Trevor Brooks knows his way around and comes highly recommended. Soon, the husband realizes that he isn't the only one in the market for an upgrade.
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Jason Flint (Casey Everett) has a vendetta against Lyle Nettle (Derek Kage), and he'll do whatever it takes to take Lyle down. After seducing Lyle, Jason divulges a long-lost connection they share and his intention to make Lyle suffer just as their person in common did.
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Bailey Hanson (Des Irez) has gotten into some trouble with the law, leading him to have a hard time getting a job. When he's offered the position of janitor at a sex club, he has to take it. His job sucks, but it's made a little better when he meets VInce (Mason Lear), a sex club regular with a soft spot for the underdog.
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