Floppy-haired beauty, Martin Rivers, is in trouble with the authorities for public indecency; but whilst the powers-that-be might not appreciate his very skimpy shorts and flesh-revealing shirt, Milan Sharp is clearly all in favour. And not just because the young lad’s regular court appearances are clearly boosting his bank balance! No, Sharp evidently appreciates every inch of his client’s flawless body – a fact that he makes plain by means of a knowing twinkle in his eye, whilst at the same time admonishing the twink for his feckless ways. After all, even a dusty-eyed lawyer can appreciate a pretty boy when they he sees one; and the donkey-dicked attorney certainly makes no effort to rebuke the lad further when Rivers buries his face into his crotch!
Cast: martin rivers
milan sharp  
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Having a boyfriend who’s a courier has its benefits – not least of all the fact that he can bring you all kinds of exciting things in his delivery sack at the end of his delivery round. Which is something that young newbie, Casey Flip, discovers when Martin Rivers drops in to present the fellow with a little surprise. No, not an engagement ring – although you’d be forgiven for thinking that by the shape and size of the box that Rivers hands over! – but rather a tiny blue tablet that has the miraculous potential to boost their sex-life.
casey flip martin rivers  
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Maybe it’s the size or maybe it’s the allure of the exotic, but we have a whole legion of twinks at STAXUS who always go weak at the knees at the prospect of black dick. As such, it’ll probably come as no surprise to our fans to hear that the arrival of the dashing Marcus Campbell sent hearts racing and puckers quivering in sweet anticipation! The biggest question in the office, however, was who would be first to enjoy the pleasure that it seems only big black cock can bring? Well, the honour in this instance goes to Martin Rivers – Campbell’s own personal choice, as it happens, having received a promise from the young Czech beauty to deep-throat his thick, massive monster within thirty seconds of first meeting it!
marcus campbell martin rivers  
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