For teenage boys, adjusting to a new stepsibling can be tough, especially when forced to share things like your home or even your room. When brand new bros Jackson Clark & Evan Parker get the orders for close quarters, these two high school hornpuppies make the best of it. Watch as big brother Evan gets stuck splitting a room, so he sticks it to his roomie and looks on the backside of this tight & sticky situation.
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A gorgeous day leads to a great lay when a playful afternoon of fun & games in the park and a simple staring contest between the super good looking Jackson Clark and the extremely easy on the eyes Tyler Hill escalates into ecstasy. Outside, these creatures, cute, but clothed, engage in adorable G-rated child's play. Indoors, the clothes come off and a whole new and exciting game begins.
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It can be nearly impossible to concentrate on much of anything with a Helix model in the room. So, when beautiful boy wonder & comic book aficionado Jackson Clark invites Jesse Montgomery & his one-eyed, purple helmeted, super sized sidekick over to watch one of his favorite graphic novel based films, the action on the screen is no match for the adventure awaiting them in Jesse's pants. Join Jackson Clark & Jesse Montgomery as they reveal their marvelously sexy, but not-so-secret powers on a extraordinary evening of Netflix & chill. But... mostly chill.
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